Wonderfully Made
Wonderfully Made
Saturday, January 25. This material is recommended for ages 10-12 and is a United Methodist resource that offers preteens and their parents an opportunity to begin the important conversations about bodies, human growth, and relationships from a Christian perspective. Visit rumc.com/rk to find out more information and to register. For questions, email Sabrina Hulse, shulse@rumc.com.
AYL 2025
AYL Help Wanted
We are looking for host homes for RUMC's Student Ministry event, Altar Your Life (AYL)! If you’re interested or would like more information, please email students@rumc.com.
Do you know a college student who would make a great leader for AYL? We are actively seeking college leaders to mentor and guide students during this weekend. If interested, please visit roswellstudentministry.com/events/ayl.
The needs for our next Family Promise range from gifts cards to cooking to overnight hosts. Any time you can offer will be meaningful.
Gifts Cards: Are needed to help families with lunches during the weekend while children are not in school, as well as gas funds.
Dinner hosts: Provide the whole meal or a portion of the meal. Just specify in your sign-up! You can cook at home, drop off at Dod or stay for fellowship.
Overnight hosts: Each night, 2 volunteers are needed to sleep in the DOD. Channel your youth lock-in self, and come in from just a night!
Your gifts of time and presence are visible actions of loving your neighbor.
The gift of fellowship gives the families confidence, rest, and hope, along with the assurance that they are loved and that their well-being matters to God and their community.
Please join us in this time of hospitality by providing a meal, spending the night, playing with children, having conversations with the parents, purchasing supplies, doing laundry, and/or praying for these families on their courageous journey to recover from homelessness.
Please contact Marion Brown at mbrown@rumc.com
or Heather Harmon at hharmon@rumc.com 770-261-1705 for more information.
Click here to sign up and learn more about the week or visit rumc.com/familypromise
Women's Retreat
Women's Retreat
Women of RUMC, join us March 14-16 at Lanier Islands Resort! Our speaker will be Reverend Ellen Shepard. For more information or to register, visit rumc.com/adults/ministries/.
Men's Breakfast
Men's Breakfast
Join us for the next Men’s Breakfast on Thursday, January 9. RUMC Communications Director Steve Schumacher will be the featured guest speaker. Full hot breakfast begins at 6:45 a.m. in the Dining Room. For more information, contact Rev. Jarrett Wallace at jwallace@rumc.com.