The United Methodist Church recognizes two sacraments: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Other rites such as Confirmation, Ordination, Holy Matrimony, Funerals, and Anointing of the Sick are performed but are not considered sacraments. 



Baptism is a sacrament of the church: an outward, active sign of God’s grace at work within us. The United Methodist Church recognizes two sacraments: baptism and communion. (You can flip this card over to read more about communion.) In baptism, we remember Christ’s baptism by John in the waters of the Jordan River as we experience the water of God’s love and grace pouring over us.

We are baptized by both water and the Holy Spirit. The waters of baptism signify the cleansing power of God forgiving our sins and giving us new life in Christ. In Chapel Roswell, you will see water used in different ways. For infants, a handful of water is gently poured on their heads. For children and adults, the water is poured over them as they stand in the baptismal barrel. The pouring of the water reminds us of the pouring out of God’s Spirit over us as we are baptized. The Holy Spirit works within us as we seek to live a new life as followers of Christ.

We believe baptism is the work of God as God extends grace and invites us into relationship with God. This means that baptism is available for all ages, infant to adult, because someone is never too young or too old to receive God’s grace. This also means we believe baptism is not a repeatable act. God never fails to extend grace, and God never breaks relationship with us. If you have been baptized, we recognize your baptism no matter your previous church tradition. Throughout the year, we will offer moments for all present in worship to remember and reconnect with their baptisms by touching the baptismal water.

The Holy Spirit work within you, that having been born through water and the spirit, you may live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.



Communion is a shared meal of bread and juice in which we experience the presence and love of God. Here’s some helpful info about Communion at Chapel Roswell and Roswell UMC.


Communion is a sacrament; an outward, participatory sign of God’s grace at work within us. In the United Methodist Church, we recognize two sacraments: baptism and communion. In Communion, we remember and participate in Christ’s final meal with the disciples. We thank God for the grace extended to us through Christ. You may have heard this meal called Holy Communion, Lord’s Supper, or Eucharist.


As United Methodists, we share in an open table. This means there are no restrictions on who can participate. You don’t have to be a member of this church or any church. You also don’t have to be a certain age, so bring your child and bring your grandma. Everyone is welcome because Christ invites us all to eat with him and meets us all here.


The meal is simple: bread and juice. The bread and juice represent the body and blood of Christ, broken and shed on the cross. These two simple elements of bread and juice embody the sacrifice Christ made on the cross along with the love and forgiveness that are extended to us through that act.


Many people extend their hands one over the other with palms facing up to serve as a reminder that the meal is a gift from God which we receive freely. You will be handed a piece of bread broken from the larger loaf of bread. This reminds us that although there are many of us, we are united together in God. Then dip the bread into the juice and eat.